Portraits: - Dear Future World Portrait Series: DFW_007

{quote}Social media, though it’s been capable of having a positive effect in a couple of important situations and in certain fields I generally don’t like it, I think 10% of it is good and the rest is simply a waste of time. Some people, yes, are able to use it wisely but most of us aren’t. I think the way it’s built and the algorithms used are designed to simply hook you. I quit Facebook 2 years ago and literally had withdrawal symptoms when I did that. I don’t like social media, I think it dumbs us, wastes our time, makes us less aware and sometimes more insecure.If I want something in the next couple of years it’s simply to be more present.{quote}Aly Kassem.

"Social media, though it’s been capable of having a positive effect in a couple of important situations and in certain fields I generally don’t like it, I think 10% of it is good and the rest is simply a waste of time. Some people, yes, are able to use it wisely but most of us aren’t. I think the way it’s built and the algorithms used are designed to simply hook you. I quit Facebook 2 years ago and literally had withdrawal symptoms when I did that. I don’t like social media, I think it dumbs us, wastes our time, makes us less aware and sometimes more insecure. 

If I want something in the next couple of years it’s simply to be more present." 

Aly Kassem.