Portraits: - Dear Future World Portrait Series: DFW_018

{quote}Why are we here and what are we supposed to be doing? I’m sure a lot of things other than what we are actually doing، a lot of things we can do for one another, together. For every human being, animal, plant or any living breathing creature with feelings, It’s a shame, we have to be there for each other, not just on paper. I’m afraid the day will come and it will be too late and those who come after us don’t see what we saw or live what we lived. And we say we should have done more. We should have loved more, none of this should have happened.{quote}Ola Roshdy

"Why are we here and what are we supposed to be doing?  

I’m sure a lot of things other than what we are actually doing، a lot of things we can do for one another, together. For every human being, animal, plant or any living breathing creature with feelings, It’s a shame, we have to be there for each other, not just on paper. I’m afraid the day will come and it will be too late and those who come after us don’t see what we saw or live what we lived. And we say we should have done more. We should have loved more, none of this should have happened." 

Ola Roshdy